Regulatory Policy - Environment
First Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (1. BImSchV)
Type testing obligation for all new stoves for the purpose of limit value control of CO emissions and particulate matter
Across topics and sectors, environmental policy is a central field of action for the association - today more than ever!
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Type testing obligation for all new stoves for the purpose of limit value control of CO emissions and particulate matter
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Clean air, or good air quality, is a basic prerequisite for a healthy and productive life.
Regulatory Policy - Environment
In Germany, the WEEE Directive is implemented by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) to promote the reduction of waste through reuse, recycling or recovery
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Almost all industrial supply chains in Europe are affected by the REACH Regulation. The HKI supports its members with up-to-date information on chemical evaluations and resulting restriction projects
Regulatory Policy - Environment
The Packaging Act is the German implementation of the European Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste.
Regulatory Policy - Environment
New regulation for the best possible dilution of flue gases