Regulation/Compliance Management
Safety through professional installation
Rules are the basic prerequisite for living together, but also for a functioning economy. They define the framework conditions and make transparent who is allowed to do what, or not, and who has what rights. They create security and trust. On the other hand, they also pose considerable challenges, especially for the industry; targets and objectives have to be met, bureaucracy has to be dealt with. For the association, this results in two essential tasks. On the one hand, the association is a partner of the legislators, bringing the interests of its member companies into the legislative process and thus working together with politicians to ensure that the legal framework fulfils its intended purpose and is at the same time realistic and feasible. On the other hand, the association is the essential orientation aid for its members. This is because the relevant product regulations are monitored live by the association and, if necessary, co-designed. In the confusing regulatory jungle, the association keeps an overview for its members through its experts in the office and with the help of its networks and provides information on everything that manufacturers need to know in this regard.
Regulation/Compliance Management
Safety through professional installation
Regulation/Compliance Management
When it comes to food, everything has to be safe.
Regulation/Compliance Management
Safety first
Regulation/Compliance Management
Across topics and sectors, environmental policy is a central field of action for the association - today more than ever!
Regulation/Compliance Management
Our focus is Europe - but we can do even more
Food hygiene
Food and plastics
Regulatory Policy - Environment
The Packaging Act is the German implementation of the European Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste.
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Type testing obligation for all new stoves for the purpose of limit value control of CO emissions and particulate matter
Of relevance to anything that transmits or receives wirelessly
Food hygiene
for food contact materials and articles
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Clean air, or good air quality, is a basic prerequisite for a healthy and productive life.
Food hygiene
Hygienic requirements for the operational equipment
The Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011 lays down rules for the safety of buildings and other structures
Food hygiene
Food contact materials
Food hygiene
Special rules apply to food of animal origins
Food hygiene
Food contact materials
Regulatory Policy - Environment
New regulation for the best possible dilution of flue gases
Regulatory Policy - Environment
In Germany, the WEEE Directive is implemented by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) to promote the reduction of waste through reuse, recycling or recovery
Regulatory Policy - Environment
Almost all industrial supply chains in Europe are affected by the REACH Regulation. The HKI supports its members with up-to-date information on chemical evaluations and resulting restriction projects
HKI expert group for the joint operation of fireplaces and residential ventilation systems/devices
We urgently need energy. But as long as it is scarce, expensive and above all harmful to the environment, we must use it responsibly.
Sustainable energy across generations
The political focus has broadened in recent years. Whereas in the past the focus was primarily on energy, today the circular economy occupies at least as prominent a place.
Working together for a clean future - emission reduction as an industry guiding principle
Ecodesign is the holistic consideration of the environmental impact of a product. In the past, the focus was primarily on energy, but this has now changed.