We urgently need energy. But as long as it is scarce, expensive and above all harmful to the environment, we must use it responsibly.
"We only have one world. But if we go on living like this, we will need three worlds." (Lutz Engelke, head of the German creative agency Triad, during the planning for the World Expo 2010) By now, everyone should have understood that we are heading for a serious ecological problem. Climate change is only one aspect, albeit an essential one. But resource scarcity and pollution, as well as resulting phenomena such as bee mortality, are also putting our entire livelihoods at risk. Due to the increasing awareness among the population and the resulting social pressure, politics is under pressure to act. For this reason, environmentally relevant laws and regulations are being enacted on an unprecedented scale and at an unprecedented speed. On the one hand, this is welcome, as it is high time that countermeasures are taken. On the other hand, it can be observed that many projects need improvement or are even counterproductive actionism. It is the task of the associations to intervene here and to stand by politics as an expert partner in order to find solutions together that are both effective and realistic.
We urgently need energy. But as long as it is scarce, expensive and above all harmful to the environment, we must use it responsibly.
Sustainable energy across generations
The political focus has broadened in recent years. Whereas in the past the focus was primarily on energy, today the circular economy occupies at least as prominent a place.
Working together for a clean future - emission reduction as an industry guiding principle
Established standards for a sustainable combustion process
Capital flows should follow a greener path.
Ecodesign is the holistic consideration of the environmental impact of a product. In the past, the focus was primarily on energy, but this has now changed.
For gas/oil central heating boiler systems as well as for other central heating components, energy efficiency markings have been mandatory since September 2015
So far, in the area of commercial kitchen appliances, only refrigerators have been affected by the energy label and an eco-design regulation. However, this will probably change in the foreseeable future. The focus is currently on commercial cooking appliances.
In terms of energy efficiency, it is crucial how the user operates the appliances. This is even more crucial than the energy efficiency of the appliances themselves.
Circular economy
Our industries are both massively affected by supply chain disruption, catering equipment a little more than heating equipment.
So far, the only product group in commercial kitchens that is partly required to carry an energy label.
Circular economy
The political focus is shifting from the pure consideration of energy efficiency to a more holistic approach. Material efficiency is essential to this.
A high degree of innovation in the industry continuously reduces emissions and increases energy efficiency
If the fireplace is operated properly, particulate matter and other emissions are greatly minimized and fuel is saved
Improving air quality with ecodesign
Regulation (EU) 2015/1185 is the implementing regulation for solid fuel local space heaters under the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC